




发布日期:2024-12-15 作者:华体会

Nature, 31 October 2024, Volume 634 Issue 8036

《天然》, 2024年10月31日,第634卷,8036期



Selection bias obfuscates the discovery of fast radio burst sources


▲ 作者:Mohit Bhardwaj, Jimin Lee Kevin Ji▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08065-w



▲ Abstract:Here we present empirical evidence for a substantial selection bias against detecting FRBs in galaxies with large inclination angles (edge-on) using a sample of hosts identified for FRBs discovered by untargeted surveys. This inclination-related bias probably leads to a significant underestimation (by about a factor of two) of the FRB rates reported in the literature and disfavours globular clusters as the dominant origin of FRB sources, as previously speculated. These conclusions have important implications for FRB progenitor models and targeted FRB follow-up strategies. We further investigate the impact of this bias on the relative rate of FRBs in different host environments. Our analysis suggests that scattering in FRB hosts is probably responsible for the observed bias. However, a larger sample of localized FRBs is required to robustly quantify the contribution of scattering to the inclination-related selection bias.


Smooth trends in fermium charge radii and the impact of shell effects镄电荷半径的光滑趋向和壳层效应的影响▲ 作者:Jessica Warbinek, Elisabeth Rickert et al.▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08062-z



▲ Abstract:Here we present laser spectroscopy measurements along the fermium (Z = 100) isotopic chain and an extension of data in the nobelium isotopic chain (Z = 102) across a key region. Multiple production schemes and different advanced techniques were applied to determine the isotope shifts in atomic transitions, from which changes in the nuclear mean-square charge radii were extracted. A range of nuclear models based on energy density functionals reproduce well the observed smooth evolution of the nuclear size. Both the remarkable consistency of model prediction and the similarity of predictions for different isotopes suggest a transition to a regime in which shell effects have a diminished effect on the size compared with lighter nuclei.

材料科学Material Sciences

A graphite thermal Tesla valve driven by hydrodynamic phonon transport一种流体动力声子输运驱动的石墨热特斯拉阀▲ 作者:Xin Huang, Roman Anufriev et al.▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08052-1



▲ Abstract:Here we demonstrate a phonon hydrodynamics approach to realize the rectification of heat conduction in isotopically enriched graphite crystals. We design a micrometre-scale Tesla valve within 90-nm-thick graphite and experimentally observe a discernible 15.2% difference in thermal conductivity between opposite directions at 45 K. This work marks an important step towards using collective phonon behaviour for thermal management in microscale and nanoscale electronic devices, paving the way for thermal rectification in solids.

地球科学Earth Science

Common occurrences of subsurface heatwaves and cold spells in ocean eddies


▲ 作者:Qingyou He, Weikang Zhan et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08051-2



▲ Abstract:Here we present global observational evidence for the important role of mesoscale eddies in the occurrence and intensification of subsurface MHWs and MCSs. We found that 80% of measured MHWs and MCSs below a depth of 100 m do not concur with surface events. In contrast to the weak link between surface MHWs (MCSs) and ocean eddies, nearly one-third of subsurface MHWs (MCSs) in the global ocean, and more than half of such events in subtropical gyres and mid-latitude main current systems, occur within anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies. These eddy-associated temperature extremes have intensified at rates greater than background level in past decades, suggesting a growing impact of ocean eddies on subsurface MHWs and MCSs with ongoing global warming.


Large-scale medieval urbanism traced by UAV–lidar in highland Central Asia在中亚高原经由过程无人机激光雷达追踪的年夜范围中世纪城市化遗址

▲ 作者:Michael D. Frachetti, Jack Berner, Xiaoyi Liu, Edward R. Henry, Farhod Maksudov Tao Ju

▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08086-5




▲ Abstract:Here we present the results of uncrewed aerial vehicle–lidar surveys in Central Asia, conducted at two recently discovered archaeological sites in southeastern Uzbekistan: Tashbulak and Tugunbulak. Situated at around 2,000–2,200 m above sea level, these sites illustrate a newly documented geography of large, high-altitude urban centres positioned along the mountainous crossroads of Asia’s medieval Silk Routes (6th–11th century CE (Common Era). Although hidden by centuries of surface processes, our pairing of very-high-resolution surface modelling with semiautomated feature detection produces a detailed plan of monumental fortifications and architecture spanning 120 ha at Tugunbulak, thereby demonstrating one of the largest highland urban constellations in premodern Central Asia. Documentation of extensive urban infrastructure and technological production among medieval communities in Central Asia’s mountains—a crucial nexus for Silk Road trade networks6—provides a new perspective on the participation of highland populations in the economic, political and social formation of medieval Eurasia.

公共卫生Public Health

Bureaucrat incentives reduce crop burning and child mortality in South Asia


▲ 作者:Gemma Dipoppa Saad Gulzar

▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08046-z




▲ Abstract:Air pollution in South Asia is a health emergency, responsible for 2 million deaths every year. Crop residue burning accounts for 40–60% of peak pollution during the winter harvest months. Despite being illegal, this practice remains widespread. Any solution to curb the problem necessitates government action at scale. Here we study whether leveraging the incentives of bureaucrats tasked with controlling burning can mitigate this phenomenon. Using a decade of wind, fire and health data from satellites and surveys from the Demographic and Health Surveys Program, we show that crop burning responds to bureaucrat incentives: fires increase by 15% when wind is most likely to direct pollution to neighbouring jurisdictions, and decrease by 14.5% when it pollutes their own. These effects intensify with stronger bureaucratic incentives and capacity. We also find that bureaucrat action against burning deters future polluters, further reducing fires by 13%. Finally, using an atmospheric model, we estimate that one log increase in in utero exposure to pollution from burning raises child mortality by 30–36 deaths per 1,000 births, underscoring the importance of bureaucrat action. Contrary to the growing beliefs that the problem of crop burning is intractable, these findings highlight specific ways in which existing bureaucrats, when properly incentivized, can improve environmental management and public health outcomes.


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